

Technical Clarification

Guidance on building services / sub-services included within the scope of Man-02 and Man-03 - UPDATED

Technical Clarification Number
MAN2 -T-OB1-1562


Please refer to the 'Man-02 and Man-03 Supplementary Info Document - UPDATED' attached (below), it shows which services are required to be addressed under both the Man-2 and Man-3 credits, and for Man-2, shows which ASHRAE / CIBSE documents are applicable to each in terms of the credit criteria. Where no suitable ASHRAE / CIBSE document is available, the project team’s ‘Nominated Commissioning’ applies. Please note further guidance on ‘Nominated Commissioning’ is given below the table in the document.

Supplementary Information

See below for attachment.



Credit Interpretation Request

Alternative compliance for MAN 2: CIBSE vs ASHRAE requirements

(SUPERSEDED by MAN2-T-OB1-1562 from 2016-08-25)

Credit Interpretation Request Number
MAN2 -C-RC1-0855





Technical Clarification

Commissioning reports

Technical Clarification Number


The GBCSA notes that there are a number of credits that refer to commissioning reports as a compliance requirement. The GBCSA notes that these credits are not dependent on the Man-2 credit being targeted or achieved. Project teams can still choose whether or not to target the Man-2 credits if the subsequent credits (i.e. ENE-1, ENE-4, Wat-1, Wat-2 and IEQ-1) are targeted. If a project is targeting the Man-2 credit, extracts from the Commissioning Report produced from Man-2 can then be used to demonstrate compliance with the other subsequent credits provided it complies with the documentation requirements for these credits. If the Man-2 credit is not targeted, commissioning for the other credits need to be done in accordance to the stipulated requirements of that particular credit.



Technical Clarification

Commissioning Clauses - lifts and vertical transportation systems
(SUPERSEDED by MAN2-T-OB1-1562 from 2016-08-25)

Technical Clarification Number





Technical Clarification

Guidance on building services / sub-services included within the scope of Man-02 and Man-03

(SUPERSEDED by MAN2-T-OB1-1562 from 2016-08-25)

Technical Clarification Number





Technical Clarification

Commissioning Clauses - On site electrical generation systems
(SUPERSEDED by MAN2-T-OB1-1562 from 2016-08-25)

Technical Clarification Number




Technical Clarification

Demonstration of compliance with CIBSE Commissioning codes - Guidance

Technical Clarification Number


To provide the Project Team with further guidance regarding the information which would be expected to be included within the Commissioning Records demonstrating the use and adherence to the CIBSE Commissioning Codes, this information as per the Codes may include, but is not limited to the following;

1) Particular and definitive commissioning specifications from the design engineer of each service/discipline setting out clearly what is expected of the commissioning specialist (independent or otherwise). This should include commissioning tolerances on all commissioning parameters and a clear description of how it is intended that the system should operate and the design parameters. The design should also produce ‘cause and effect’ sheets showing how the design is intended to operate. Also, commissioning specification details of safety controls and interlocks to protect the equipment and personnel during the commissioning process;
2) Requirements for witnessing including full details of tolerances applicable to all parameters;
3) Commissioning program including specific period of time for client witnessing;
4) Appropriate health and safety risk assessment and method statements for the tasks to be completed;
5) Commissioning method statement for each system;
6) Pre-commissioning checklists for each system;
7) Commissioning checklists; and,
8) Commissioning certification for each system countersigned by the design engineer, commissioning specialist (independent or otherwise) and the accepting authority (where relevant), and including the record sheets provided in each CIBSE code.

The above items have been determined from a review of the CIBSE Commissioning Codes identifying key issues to be addressed with regards to the correct documentation of a CIBSE Commissioning Code compliant commissioning process of building services. This list is not exhaustive and it is expected that all Project Teams complete their own review of the CIBSE documents and synthesize the important information which they, in their professional opinion and experience, believe are important and represent an improvement from conventional commissioning practices in South Africa and demonstrate the use of the CIBSE Commissioning Codes.



Technical Clarification

Fitout delivery type and scope of Man-2 Commissioning Clauses

Technical Clarification Number


Regardless of delivery type (i.e. Integrated or Shell & Core), the scope of the Man-2 Commissioning Clauses credit criteria must cover the entire traditional scope of fit-out provided by the base building.Therefore, if the design is such that the commissioning of the base build systems will be affected by the tenant works, the scope of the credit criteria extends to full base build final commissioning.

For spaces delivered as ‘Shell & Core’ for a Design rating, it must be clear that the ‘extract(s) from specification’ and ‘confirmation from building owner’ demonstrate the contractual requirement and owner commitment (respectively) for final commissioning of those base build systems that are affected by the tenant works, once the tenant works are completed.

For spaces delivered as ‘Shell & Core’ for an As Built rating, it must be clear that the ‘extract(s) from Commissioning Reports’ demonstrate the base build systems not affected by tenant works have been commissioned (as per the Documentation Requirements) and it is clearly demonstrated through the list of outstanding commissioning issues that final commissioning of those base build systems that are affected by the tenant works will be undertaken, once the tenant works are completed. It is not required that final commissioning of affected base build systems is completed before the Green Star SA submission is completed. It is necessary, however, to clearly demonstrate that the outstanding commissioning issues will be addressed.




Green Star SA - Retail Centre v1 Technical Manual: Page 11

Erratum Number


In Documentation Requirements, description of documents, change "Extract(s) from the Commissioning Record(s)" to read "Extract(s) from the Commissioning Report(s)" and;

Add a fourth bullet point reading:
"Reference appended extracts of commissioning records for major plant and equipment (including but not limited to chillers, boilers, heat pumps, air handling units, water treatment/recycling systems and onsite generation systems) as deemed appropriate by the relevant project team members involved in the commissioning process and as referenced in the Commissioning Report."




Green Star SA - Retail Centre v1 Technical Manual: Page 10

Erratum Number


In Documentation Table, As built section, delete first bullet point reading: "Short report"


Change second bullet point to read "Extract(s) from the Commissioning Report(s)"



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