Technical Clarification
Notional building clarification
Technical Clarification Number
In determining the active Peak Electrical Demand Reduction for Ene-5 credit, the "notional building" referenced, refers to the actual building (with geometry, orientation, fabric, services etc. as per the actual design) but without the inclusion of the benefit of the active peak energy demand reduction systems.
Thus as an example, in the case of a building using onsite electrical generation (renewable or otherwise) as an active peak electrical demand reduction intervention, the active peak electrical demand reduction is determined by comparing the maximum electrical peak power of the "notional building" (i.e. without the onsite generation contribution) and the maximum electrical peak power of the "actual building" (i.e. including the onsite generation contribution).
Technical Clarification
Photovoltaics without battery storage
Technical Clarification Number
The Technical Manual states that “Peak energy demand reduction systems that could comply with the credit’s requirements include but are not limited to:… Photovoltaics (with battery storage)”. The Technical Manual does not prevent the use of photovoltaic (PV) systems being connected to the building’s electrical network as opposed to a battery storage system. Should PV systems be used in such a scenario without battery storage and the project wishes to claim points under this credit, the peak electrical demand reduction claimed must be calculated using the building’s 24 hour load profile containing the highest expected annual peak (without the PV supply), determined via modelling or from first principles, and the project’s PV electrical supply curve/profile determined using the performance specifications of the proposed PV system and using the appropriate climatic data for that same day. Projects are required to submit the documentation as per the Technical Manual and ensure that the proposed maximum electrical demand reduction system meets the Credit Criteria. The Certified Assessors will look for evidence that an appropriate peak baseline is determined and that the PV system supply curve/profile has been determined using the specifications of the proposed PV system.