


Credit Interpretation Request

Vary percentages where UA greater than 50,000m2

Credit Interpretation Request Number




For projects with a UA greater than 50,000m2, teams are able to vary the two relevant percentage benchmarks, as long as the total percentage remains 10%, and neither of the benchmarks are less than 2% - as per the example below:
Acceptable option:
 - A minimum of 8% of all parking spaces are dedicated solely for use by car-pool vehicles, car share vehicles, hybrid or other alternative fuel vehicles.
 - A minimum of 2% or 5 parking spaces (whichever is the greater) are designed and labelled for mopeds, scooters and/or motorbikes
Unacceptable option:
- A minimum of 9% of all parking spaces are dedicated solely for use by car-pool vehicles, car share vehicles, hybrid or other alternative fuel vehicles.
- A minimum of 1% or 5 parking spaces (whichever is the greater) are designed and labelled for mopeds, scooters and/or motorbikes.



Guidance issued


The Credit Criteria currently reads:
· A minimum of 5% of all parking spaces are dedicated solely for use by car-pool vehicles, car share vehicles, hybrid or other alternative fuel vehicles. All qualifying spaces must be located in preferred parking locations and be designed and labelled for the intended vehicle types; and
· A minimum of 5% or 5 parking spaces (whichever is the greater) are designed and labelled for mopeds, scooters and/or motorbikes, and all of these must be located in preferred parking locations.

Change ‘’all’’ to ‘’95%’’

  • A minimum of 5% of all parking spaces are dedicated solely for use by car-pool vehicles, car share vehicles, hybrid or other alternative fuel vehicles. 95% qualifying spaces must be located in preferred parking locations and be designed and labelled for the intended vehicle types; and
  • A minimum of 5% or 5 parking spaces (whichever is the greater) are designed and labelled for mopeds, scooters and/or motorbikes, and 95% of these must be located in preferred parking locations.


Technical Clarification

Preferred Parking Space Markings

Technical Clarification Number


With reference to the statement on page 170 that states that preferred parking spaces “…must be clearly signposted and marked with a separate colour from other spots…”, note that the requirement for colour markings apply only if the spots are signposted so that it is clear which parking spaces the signposting applies to. If preferred parking bay markings are provided in the actual parking bays, then these markings need not be in a separate colour to other spots as it is clear which parking spots are marked as preferred.


Technical Clarification

Tandem Parking Bays

Technical Clarification Number


Considering the aim of the credit and related credits, Green Star SA considers a tandem parking bay as 2 car parking bays.




Green Star SA - Retail Centre v1 Technical Manual: Page 170

Erratum Number


Documentation Requirements, description of documentation, make the following amendments:

Tender Drawings: delete text reading "…with spaces clearly marked and dimensioned."
As built drawings: delete text reading "…with spaces clearly marked and dimensioned."



Technical Clarification


Technical Clarification Number


The number of moped/scooter/motorbike spaces must be at least 5 motorbike spaces or 5% of the total number of vehicle spaces on the site (whichever is greater). The size of size 'parking space' is equal to the size of a motor bike parking space. For example, a site with 190 car parking spaces and 10 small motorbike spaces would qualify.


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