

Credit Interpretation Request

Cap the total number of cyclist facilities

Credit Interpretation Request Number




For projects with a UA greater than 50,000m2, project teams are able to cap the total number of cyclist facilities, as per the below:

· One point is awarded where the following are provided:

- Secure bicycle storage for 100 of building staff (capped);

- Accessible showers (based on one per 10 bicycle spaces provided or part thereof);

- Changing facilities adjacent to showers; and

- One secure locker per bicycle space in the changing facilities.

· Two points are awarded where the following are provided:

- Secure bicycle storage for 200 of building staff (capped);

- Accessible showers (based on one per 10 bicycle spaces provided or part thereof);

- Changing facilities adjacent to showers; and

- One secure locker per bicycle space in the changing facilities.

· An additional point is awarded where:

- The requirements for either one or two points have been met; and

- Visitor bicycle parking is provided and meets the following criteria:

- 67 spaces (capped); and

- Provided in an accessible location, signposted and close to, or adjacent to, a major public entrance to the building.

No Innovation points are available for exceeding these benchmarks under INN-02.



Cycle paths/markings within Project Site

Erratum Number


On page 176, under Additional guidance, under Access routes, after the first sentence, please insert the following:
(This includes clear markings of cyclist routes/paths from the development entrance/exit to the bicycle storage areas).



Green Star SA - Retail Centre v1 Technical Manual: Page 174 - 176

Erratum Number


Documentation Requirements, Description of Documentation, Short report: 5th bullet point, the last sub point should read "Demonstrate that the visitor spaces are provided with good natural surveillance."

Additional Guidance, Visitors bicycle parking: third sentence should read "Racks/rails must be designed to allow both the wheel and the frame to be locked securely to the structure."



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