Green Star SA – Retailv1 Technical Manual: Page 256
Erratum Number
Documentation description, Short Report, fifth bullet point, ‘as well as supplier and contractor evidence of the post-consumer content of the steel used;’ is required in the As Built and not in the Design Short report.
Technical Clarification
Extent of steel addressed by credit
Technical Clarification Number
The Mat-6 Steel credit in the Green Star SA Retail Centre v1 rating tool is broken down into two parts with a total of 3 un-weighted points available.
1st Point – Building Structure Steel Applications
The first part (1 point) addresses ‘structural steel’ applications in predominantly steel-framed buildings and ‘reinforcing steel’ applications in buildings predominantly framed in concrete (insitu/precast/stressed). The definition of ‘predominant’ is the framing method which represents the greater steel cost of the total building’s structural cost. The steel applications that are applicable for each structure type include (but are not limited to);
- Steel-framed: hot rolled beams, columns, angles, hollow sections, parallel flange channels, mullions, purlins, girts and light-steel framing systems (i.e. lightweight cold-rolled galvanised steel sections).
- Concrete-framed: reinforcing bar, reinforcing mesh and permanent steel formwork.
For the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the Credit Criteria for this first point, steel applications within the non-predominant framing method are excluded from the calculations. For example, where a building consists of both steel-framed and concrete-framed components (e.g. on different floors or levels) and the steel-framed component is predominant (by cost), then the concrete-framed steel applications (e.g. reinforcing bar/mesh) are neglected from calculations demonstrating compliance with the Credit Criteria.
Additional 2 Points – All ‘Major’ Steel Applications
The second part (2 additional points) addresses ALL ‘major’ steel applications in the building regardless of which framing system is more predominant. The ‘major’ steel applications in a building include;
- Steel-framed structure applications (as above); AND
- Concrete-framed structure applications (as above); AND
- Building envelope applications (e.g. steel wall cladding and steel roof decking).
Please note that it is not the intent of the Credit Criteria to encompass minor miscellaneous steel applications (e.g. door frames, balustrades, railings, fences, UFAD pedestals, architectural features etc.) to be awarded the 2 additional points. Although noted as steel applications within buildings, these are excluded from the scope of the Mat-6 credit due to the general quantity of steel represented and the practicalities of quantification.
Also note that the Mat-6 Steel credit is applicable for base building steel uses as described above. Tenant fit-out steel uses (i.e. steel framed partition walls) are excluded from the scope of the credit.