Credit Interpretation Request
Brownfield definition - previously cleared or tilled agricultural land
Credit Interpretation Request Number
The Credit Interpretation Request (CIR) to permit the classification of previously cleared or previously tilled agricultural land as ‘Brownfield’ for the purpose of inclusion in the Change of Ecological Value Calculator, is denied. The definition of ‘Brownfield’ is internationally recognised and relates to specific characteristics, as detailed in the current definition in the Green Star SA Retail Centre v1 Technical Manual.
Technical Clarification
Internal landscape
Technical Clarification Number
Landscape enclosed within the building such as enclosed atria gardens, vertical gardens or water features, are deemed not to serve the full ecological function as equivalent external landscape within the scope of this credit. This is due to the disconnection of enclosed landscapes to broader ecosystems external to the building, limiting the contribution to biodiversity. Such areas are to be excluded from calculations to demonstrate compliance with the Credit Criteria. Project teams that believe their designs maintain justifiable connectedness to external ecosystems may submit a project specific CIR.
Technical Clarification
Non-permanent landscape
Technical Clarification Number
Non-permanent landscape, such as potted plants, planter boxes, or other non-insitu landscape features, which can be removed or relocated, are not considered part of the 'site' and are therefore not within the scope of the Eco-4 credit. The area of, and ecological contribution to, the site for such non-permanent landscape are to be excluded from calculations to demonstrate compliance with the Credit Criteria.