Technical Clarification
Innovation 2 guidance and available credits - New Build
Technical Clarification Number
Where projects target New Build Innovation 2, the GBCSA would expect to see a viable justification for the degree to which the benchmark is exceeded (i.e. the threshold) and how this translates into an innovation and significant environmental impact. Projects are therefore required to either make use of the existing credit thresholds/benchmarks as per the Inn-2 table below, or motivate for new credit thresholds/benchmarks.
The process for assessing Inn-2 credits is as follows:
As a general rule, where quantitative thresholds required to eliminate environmental impact, or to have a restorative environmental impact of at least 5%, are nominated in the Inn-2 table below, these will be accepted. This assumes that all documentation and Technical Manual requirements are met.
Innovation 2 credits, however, may also be submitted for assessment where quantitative thresholds required to eliminate/restore environmental impact are not nominated by the Inn-2 table below or are new credit nominations by the project. In such instances, the GBCSA will assess the credit during Round 1. If the proposed quantitative thresholds required to eliminate environmental impact is queried, the GBCSA will request a CIR or TC to be submitted prior to Round 2 to confirm if it is available to be targeted. Projects must ensure that an approved motivation/request is provided where a credit is not included within the scope of Inn-2 as defined by the Inn-2 table below, clearly indicating why exceeding the current Green Star benchmark would have an environmental benefit. If approved, this will be considered for inclusion in the Inn-2 table below.
The available Green Star New Build (Office, PEB, Retail, MUR) credits are shown in the table below (with their corresponding thresholds to achieve points under this innovation credit:
Credit |
Threshold required to eliminate environmental impact (one point) |
Threshold required to have restorative environmental impact of at least 5% (two points) |
Man-1 Accredited Professional |
Full professional team are Accredited Professionals under the new buildings AP qualification. |
Not available |
Man-7 Waste Management |
100% construction waste is diverted from landfill (i.e. Net Zero waste – Level 1: Construction Waste is achieved when it is measured to be 0kg/year to landfill). |
Net Positive Waste – Level 1: Construction Waste where construction activities over the duration of the construction period addresses an additional 5% (or more) of waste from other sites (assuming Net Zero waste is achieved). |
IEQ-4 Daylight |
Where 100% of the UA is completely daylit and there is no artificial lighting. |
Not available |
IEQ-8 External Views *This credit is not relevant to the Green Star – Retail v1 and Multi Unit Residential v1 tools. |
100% of the UA has external views. |
Not available |
IEQ-13 Volatile Organic Compounds |
For all three categories of products under this credit all products used on the project have zero VOCs. Retail v1: For both categories of products under this credit all products used on the project have zero VOCs. Multi Unit Residential v1: For all four categories under this credit all products used on the project have zero VOCs.
Not available |
Ene-1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions * The methodology is to undertake the calculations as per the relevant Green Star New Build credit Ene-1 Modelling Protocol. |
The building is a net zero energy building (energy neutral) - including tenant energy demands (i.e. Net Zero Level 2). |
The building is a net positive energy building, and produces at least more than 5% of its energy demand that is used on a neighbouring project or fed into the supply grid. This includes tenant energy demands (i.e. Net Positive Level 2). |
Ene-3 Lighting Power Density *This credit is not relevant to the Green Star – Retail v1 tool. |
No artificial lighting is used in the usable area of the project. |
Not available |
Ene-5 Peak Energy Demand Reduction/Maximum Electrical Demand Reduction |
The building has a completely flat daily load profile throughout the year. |
The building consumes no energy from the grid throughout the year. |
Tra-1 Provision of Car Parking |
The building does not provide any parking for staff/occupants/building users (as applicable for the relevant tool), except where car parking is not permitted in the local planning scheme or shared parking is provided. |
The building does not provide any parking for staff/occupants/building users/visitors (as applicable for the relevant tool), except where car parking is not permitted in the local planning scheme or shared parking is provided; and alternative modes of transport is available. This is available for projects where a significant amount of parking is permitted (more than 50 bays)
Tra-2 Fuel Efficient Transport |
The building provides parking only to alternative fuel vehicles. |
Not available |
Tra-5 Local Connectivity *This credit is not relevant to the Green Star – Retail v1 tool. |
Where at least six amenities (excluding those achieved in Tra-5) are located within 400m from the building entrance. |
Not available |
Wat-1 Occupant Amenity Water / Potable Water * The methodology is to undertake the calculations as per the relevant Green Star New Build credit Wat-1 Modelling Protocol. |
The building is a net zero water building (water neutral) – including tenant energy demands (i.e. Net Zero Level 2).
The building is a net positive water building, and produces at least more than 5% of its water demand that is used on a neighbouring project or fed into the water supply network. |
Mat-2 Building Reuse |
100% of the façade or structure is reused. |
Not available |
Mat-6 Steel |
100% of structural steel and rebar is recycled. |
Not available |
Mat-9 Design for Disassembly *This credit is not relevant to the Multi Unit Residential v1 tool. |
100% of the structure is designed for disassembly. |
Not available |
Mat-11 Local Sourcing |
100% of the projects material and labour is sourced from within 400km radius of the site. |
Not available |
Eco-1 Topsoil |
Not available |
Where the project after practical completion will create and provide top soil to neighbouring sites. |
Eco-4 Change of Ecological Value |
Not available |
Where the project significantly improves the ecological value of a neighbouring site as part of the project, that is at least 50% the size (in m²) of the site on which the project is located. |
Emi-5 Watercourse Pollution |
Where no storm water leaves the site boundary of the project. |
Where the site acts as a storm water retention/detention facility for neighbouring site(s) that are at least a total of 50% the size (in m²) of the site on which the project is located. |
Emi-6 Discharge to Sewer |
Where no sewage water leaves the site. |
Where the site acts as a sewage treatment facility for neighbouring site(s) that are at least a total of 50% the size (in m²) of the site on which the project is located. |
This clarification applies to all projects, irrespective of their date of registration.