

Technical Clarification

Submission General Section - New Build

Technical Clarification Number 


In addition to the documentation which must be submitted as per the 'Documentation Requirements' stipulated for each credit, the project Green Star SA submissions (both Round 1 and Round 2) must contain a 'General Section' containing the following information:

Project overview document which provides a brief summary and description of the project. This need not be detailed, however should contain enough information to allow the Assessors to become familiar with the project prior to the assessment (a project brief would suffice).

Project program document clearly demonstrating the key dates of 'Schematic Design', 'Design Development', 'Contract Documentation', Tender, Construction Commencement and Practical Completion.

Architectural drawings clearly issued 'For Tender', 'For Construction' or 'As Built' (as appropriate), including the following:

- Plan drawings of all levels (typical drawings may be submitted), marked-up to show the Occupied Space for each level;
- Elevation drawings of all facades
- Section drawings (where applicable)

Building services drawings clearly issued 'For Tender', For Construction' or 'As Built' (as appropriate), including the following;
- Mechanical services drawings;
- Electrical services drawings; and,
- Wet services drawings.

Where a building service is included on the architectural drawings (above) it is not necessary to re-submit.

Site documentation comprising of either;
- A site plan identifying the existing building(s) or structure(s) (if present), the extent of both the development footprint and the boundary of the project site (for the purposes of the Green Star SA submission) and the erf size;
- An aerial photograph identifying the existing building(s) or structure(s) (if present), the extent of both the development footprint and boundary of the project site (for the purposes of the Green Star SA submission) and the erf size.

Area schedule identifying the development area parameters, including the site area, development footprint area, landscape area, building footprint area, Gross Floor Area (GFA), and Occupied Space/Usable Area. This information must correlate with that entered into the 'Building Input' page of the Green Star Rating Tool spreadsheet.

Rating tool spreadsheet in the form of the spreadsheet file, with all credits and calculators completed(as applicable).

GBCSA correspondence between the GBCSA and the Project Team pertaining to general queries, Eligibility Rulings, Technical Clarifications (TCs) or Credit Interpretation Requests (CIRs).

Applicant Declaration & Pre-Submission Checklist as contained in the rating tool spreadsheet, completed and signed where appropriate.

Project Teams must ensure that all documentation above is included in the 'General' section of the submission. Submissions lacking this information will not pass the pre-assessment submission quality review and will be returned to the project team.


Technical Clarification

Revised Innovation points: 10 Innovation points + additional 5 SEC Innovation points (15 in total) 

Technical Clarification Number 




Projects can only submit and achieve up to a total of 10 Innovation points + additional *5 SEC Innovation points (15 in total) for:

  • Office v1.1 submissions (in South Africa and all other African countries for which Local Context Reports have been written) 
  • CUSTOM Tool submissions
  • Retail v1 submissions (in South Africa and all other African countries for which Local Context Reports have been written)
  • PEB v1 submissions (in South Africa and all other African countries for which Local Context Reports have been written)
  • MUR v1 submissions (in South Africa and all other African countries for which Local Context Reports have been written)
  • Interiors v1 submissions (in South Africa and all other African countries for which Local Context Reports have been written)

* This is in addition to a project SEC rating i.e. a project can achieve a SEC rating. The 5 SEC Innovation points are provided to promote and recognise the extra ordinary effort that projects go to achieve SEC points.


Technical Clarification
General – Partial Fit-out

Erratum Number


To enable Partially Fitted Out projects to achieve As Built certification under the New Build Green Star tools, the GBCSA provide 2 compliance paths for project teams to choose from:

1. The GBCSA will allow projects extensions on Eligibility Criterion 4: Timing of Certification, until the project is fully tenanted. Each project is to submit an Eligibility/Extension Request at the appropriate time via Zendesk, detailing which spaces are not yet fitted out and what the property owner’s plan is to complete these with a proposed timeline.
(This is for those projects where the remaining Tenant Fit Outs will NOT be undertaken as a continuation of the base build main contractor scope of works, as Practical Completion is technically only after the base build main contractor scope of works is complete)

2. The GBCSA will allow projects that are 80% fitted out (i.e. 80% of the UA is fitted out) to submit a legally binding Green Lease, that will form a part of any Tenant Lease and contains the correct credit criteria, to confirm that the remaining 20% will be fitted out to meet the credit criteria. The GBCSA will require a copy of the Green Lease as well as a letter from the project owner confirming that the lease will be applied to all tenancies within the 20% of UA not yet fitted out. The project is to submit the leases upon signature by the Tenant to the GBCSA (post certification). As per the current Certification Agreement, the GBCSA has the right to withdraw a certification, and the GBCSA will do this if the appropriate signed lease is not in place at the time of the completed fit out. 


Technical Clarification

For Tender or Shop drawings

Technical Clarification Number 



The GBCSA confirm that it is acceptable in terms of Green Star SA to provide either "For Tender" or "Shop drawing(s)" drawings in your Green Star SA project Design Submission.


Technical Clarification
Clarity on Innovation Points
Applicable to INN-1, INN-2, INN-3

Technical Clarification Number




Technical Clarification

As built documentation for a Design submission - updated

Technical Clarification Number

(REPLACES GEN00-T-OB1-0566 issued 2012-09-11)


Green Star SA awards buildings at two phases, the DESIGN and AS BUILT stage with certifications where the required criteria has been achieved of the specific rating the project has been registered for. The DESIGN stage certification awards the project team’s design as instructed to the contractor and the AS BUILT rewards the final constructed Green Star SA registered building.

Green Star SA assessors are instructed to assess buildings under ONE of these rating types (Design OR As Built), and as such the GBCSA will not accept AS BUILT documentation as part of the DESIGN submission.

(The GBCSA are happy to accept isolated cases of As Built evidence for a Design rating, but are not comfortable where this occurs on many credits because this should then have been an As Built rating.

 This will be case specific, please submit your TC/CIR to the GBCSA for consideration.)

The GBCSA are not able to allow the precedent of accepting both Design and As Built documentation within one submission as this could have unintended consequences including but not limited to the following:
• Confusion and complexity in assessment through the misalignment in documentation and the stage at which the documentation was produced.
• The Design certification may not be a true reflection of the building’s design. I.e. projects can be awarded for designing in accordance with certification requirements even if this was not achieved in the design process.
• Projects completing Design ratings after practical completion in order to submit As Built documents where the Design criteria is not met.

For this reason the GBCSA encourages project teams to register for an AS BUILT certification so as to be awarded for those instances where the project team has gone beyond their contractual obligations that were agreed upon during the DESIGN phase.


Technical Clarification

Assessment timeframes

Technical Clarification Number 



The GBCSA confirm that:

- The standard Round 1 Assessment process is 7 weeks (from AP submission to GBCSA issuing the results).
- The standard Round 2 Assessment process is 5 weeks (from AP submission to GBCSA issuing the results).

This clarification applies to all New Build projects, irrespective of their date of registration.


Technical Clarification

Base Building Scope definition

Technical Clarification Number


The GBCSA confirms that Base Building Scope is defined as:

All elements of the building which are to be completed as per the Base Building Contract (which are under the direct control of the building owner, to deliver either a new building or an extensive refurbishment).

As a minimum this scope must include the following elements:
· All new structural elements of the building
· A complete façade / new building envelope
· Central HVAC services including: completed HVAC equipment to serve common areas, risers and HVAC equipment (e.g. ducting) to within 1m of risers on tenanted floors
· Building Services to all common areas and provided to within 1m of risers on tenant
· Lighting to common areas
· Finishes (floor coverings, wall coverings and ceilings) to common areas
· Bathroom amenities
· Service corridors, fire stairs and lifts

As a maximum (i.e. For projects where the final building, including fitout, is delivered within a single contract) the base building scope could include:
· All structural elements of the building
· A complete façade
· Central HVAC services including: HVAC equipment to all areas, risers, all HVAC equipment (e.g. air, cooling and heating provisions) to entire building
· Building Services to entire building
· Lighting to entire building
· Finishes (floor coverings, wall coverings and ceilings) to entire building
· Bathroom amenities
· Service corridors, fire stairs and lifts
· Furniture

It is expected that the majority of projects will sit somewhere on the continuum between these scopes, and in many cases this may vary within the building depending on the agreement with individual tenants.

The project team/GSSA AP is to clearly define the project specific Base Building Scope within the General section for each submission; the defined scope must remain consistent across the entire submission.




 Technical Clarification

Design Specification(s) and Short Report(s)

Technical Clarification Number


For a design rating where product(s) have not yet been specified at the projects tender stage, a performance specification requiring that all relevant product(s) comply with the credit criteria is acceptable. The complete credit criteria, including relevant additional guidance details, must be included in the generic performance specification.  Where products are yet to be confirmed/ specified, this should be stated in the short report. 

This applies to the following credits in particular: 

  • IEQ-13 Volatile Organic Compounds 
  • IEQ-14 Formaldehyde Minimisation 
  • MAT-8 Sustainable Timber
  • EMI-4 Insulant ODP 



Technical Clarification

As Built or Record drawings

Technical Clarification Number


The GBCSA confirm that it is acceptable in terms of Green Star SA to provide either "As Built" or "Record" drawings in your Green Star SA project As Built Submission.
The GBCSA provides the following clarification in this regard:

The American Institute of Architects defines:
Record drawings: Record drawings are prepared by the architect and reflect on-site changes the contractor noted in the as-built drawings. They are often compiled as a set of on-site changes made for the owner per the owner architect contract.

In the South African context the industry typically uses the term “As Built” drawings to describe what “Record” drawings are (as defined above), and thus both of these are acceptable when describing the status of a drawing in the title block, in the context of a Green Star SA As Built submission. Hand marked up drawings are not accepted for As Built or Record drawings in a Green Star SA submission.



Technical Clarification

Typical Floor Plan submission for multi-storey buildings - motivation

Technical Clarification Number


In line with TCE GEN0_T-OB1-446 (issued on 2012-05-22), projects making use of typical layouts or floor plans need to provide a motivation. The GBCSA provides the following clarification with regards to the motivation required:


Project teams are to motivate that their typical layouts are representative of the rest of the building by indicating that the equipment used in the typical layouts will be used in a similar fashion throughout (same HVAC system, no significant variation in fitting types,  similar density of fittings, outlets etc.) and referencing other project documentation like specifications, tenant lease specifications and equipment/lighting schedules that are consistent with what has been indicated on the typical layout. Where there might be a significant change in density of equipment (e.g. influencing air flow rates adjacent to highly glazed areas, highly cellular spaces) – it is to be demonstrated that this is accounted for in the typical layouts or the inputs in to the relevant credit adjusted based on a conservative quantified manner.


Credit Interpretation Request

Base Building

Credit Interpretation Request Number


(SUPERSEDED by GEN00-T-OB1-1384 from 2016-04-18)


Technical Clarification

As built documentation for a Design submission

Technical Clarification Number


(SUPERSEDED by GEN00-T-OB1-1541 from 2016-08-12)


Technical Clarification

The definition of GLA (Gross Lettable Area) in the Glossary in the Retail Manual.

Technical Clarification Number


Wherever the acronym GLA is used, it should be replaced with UA.


Credit Interpretation Request

Contractual Documents and Appendices

Credit Interpretation Request Number


For the purposes of Green Star SA, where Green Star SA criteria, benchmarks and/or conditions are required to be contained in contractual documents; it is acceptable that these criteria, benchmarks and/or conditions are contained in Appendices to the principal contract document, given that the conditions and the Appendices in which they are contained, are clearly referenced in the principal contract document.


Technical Clarification

Scope of delivery – ‘Conventional’, ‘Integrated’ and ‘Shell & Core’
(REPLACES GEN00-T-OB1-0048 issued 16 Oct 2009)

Technical Clarification Number


The following provides guidance as to the scope of delivery for Conventional, Integrated and Shell & Core:

Conventional Delivery:
Common Areas - Finishes (e.g. floor coverings and paint) and services are applied to common areas (as applicable).
Tenant Areas - Tenancies are delivered with ceilings, finishes (e.g. floor coverings and paint), generic mechanical services (e.g. ducts from air supply and return risers, or other HVAC equipment, with generic control zone/diffuser/return layouts), generic electrical services (e.g. generic lighting layout) and complete wet services. The fitout to tenant areas is intended to be generic and non-tenant specific.

Integrated Fitout:
Common Areas - Finishes (e.g. floor coverings and paint) and services are applied to common areas (as applicable).
Tenant Areas - Tenancies are delivered with ceilings, finishes (e.g. floor coverings and paint), specific mechanical services (e.g. ducts from air supply and return risers, or other HVAC equipment, with fitout specific control zone/diffuser/return layouts), specific electrical services (e.g. fitout specific lighting layout) and complete wet services. The fitout to tenant areas are tenant specific.

Shell & Core:
Common Areas - Finishes (e.g. floor coverings and paint) and services are applied to common areas (as applicable).
Tenant Areas - Tenancies are delivered with no ceilings, floor coverings, lighting systems nor partition walls. Mechanical services are not installed within tenant areas, with ducts from air supply and return risers finishing within 1m of the face of the riser (for central air systems), or no other tenant-side systems installed (e.g. indoor units). A raised floor or underfloor air distribution (UFAD) system may be installed in a Shell & Core scenario provided floor coverings are not installed. No fitout is provided in a Shell & Core scenario.


Technical Clarification

Project registration date and TCs/CIRs

Technical Clarification Number


The registration date used to determine the applicability of TCs and CIRs published on the GBCSA website (where within the TC/CIR it is indicated as dependent on registration date) is deemed as the date of first registration of the project for a Green Star SA certification under a particular rating tool, independent of whether it is Design or As Built certification.


Technical Clarification

Usable Area (UA) and Gross Floor Area (GFA)

Technical Clarification Number


The GBCSA recognises that determining and recording the UA and GFA of a project for Green Star SA is often performed using CAD, with the resulting CAD drawings unlikely to be issued “For Tender”, “For Construction” or “As Built” and are more likely to be issued “For Information”. To reduce Green Star SA documentation related activities, drawings prepared to calculate and demonstrate UA and GFA  are not required to be issued “For Tender”, “For Construction” or “As Built”  and issued “For Information” drawings will be accepted. This is strictly for the purposes of demonstrating the UA and GFA only. Please note that all other drawings submitted for the purposes of Green Star SA must be issued “For Tender”, “For Construction” or “As Built” as per the particular credit documentation requirements as stipulated in the relevant Green Star SA Technical Manual.



Green Star SA - Retail Centre v1 Technical Manual: Page 2

Erratum Number


In the Credit Summary Table, Indoor Environment Quality category, change second title from "Air Change Effectiveness" to "Air Distribution Effectiveness".


Technical Clarification

Documentation requirements - specifications

Technical Clarification Number


Where projects are unable to provide specifications required in the Documentation Requirements of a credit, Tender Issue or Construction Issue drawings may replace the specifications, provided that:

o They contain all the information required in the Technical Manual to define the design and scope of work;
o They are accompanied by a short report from a suitably qualified Engineer describing how the Credit Criteria is met; and
o All other documentation for the credit is provided in accordance with the Technical Manual.

In addition, construction supervisor, consultant or client instructions (site instructions or variation orders) may be used, provided that they give a level of detail similar to that of a specification, and are supported by documentary evidence of the acceptance of such an instruction by the relevant party.


Technical Clarification

Additional Guidance

Technical Clarification Number


The Additional Guidance section of each credit contains additional information which is applicable to some projects. Where applicable, all information in Additional Guidance is mandatory. The Assessor(s) reserve the right to determine whether or not a project meets the requirements of this section. The details of what documentation needs to be included in a submission are set out in the Documentation Requirements section of each credit. Assessors will not ask for documentation that is not listed in the Documentation Requirements, unless something in the provided documentation shows non-compliance with the Credit Criteria or Additional Guidance, whereby the Assessors can ask for a declaration or explanation.


Technical Clarification

Project member organisation name change

Technical Clarification Number


Where an organisation involved in the project undergoes a change of name which leads to inconsistencies in documentation within the submission, the project team is required to include a letter from the organisation clearly stating the original name and the new name of the organisation, and that the engagement, contract or sub-contract of the organisation is still valid, and that the scope of works has not changed as a result of the name change. For inclusion in Round 1 submissions, please include the letter in the 'General' section ensuring it is brought to the attention of the Assessors. For inclusion in Round 2 submissions, please include the letter in each credit submitted where there exists an inconsistency in the documentation between Round 1 and Round 2 and note this additional documentation in the credit cover sheet, referencing this Technical Clarification.


Technical Clarification

Documentation requirements - specifications

Technical Clarification Number


Where extract(s) from specification(s) are required in the Documentation Requirements for a credit, actual pages from project-specific specification(s) are required, showing the project name and revision, and all requirements for the ‘extract(s) from specification(s)’ prescribed in the Documentation Requirements for the credit. Where the project name and/or revision does not appear on every page of the specification(s), it is acceptable to include the relevant extract page(s), complete with the specification(s) cover sheet(s) indicating the project name and revision.

Text copied from specifications into Green Star SA reports or letters does not demonstrate the same contractual obligation and is not acceptable.

Product data sheets on their own do also not substitute for specifications, as they do not demonstrate the same contractual obligation. It is acceptable to replace general product requirements with the specification of a specific product, as long as a manufacturer's product data sheet is provided for the product, demonstrating compliance with the relevant criteria required by the Documentation Requirements. The specification and product data sheets together must still include all requirements of the ‘extract(s) from specification(s)’ prescribed in the Documentation Requirements for the credit.


Technical Clarification

Car parking and external areas

Technical Clarification Number


Drive aisles and access areas within parking lots are to be allocated to "Car Parking Area". Access roads and driveways outside of parking lots are to be allocated to "External Areas".


Technical Clarification

'Contract Value' - definition

Technical Clarification Number


Contract Value is defined as the rand value that will be required to complete the works for the entire project, including site works (landscaping, external paving, eT). The contract value must include contractor fee, contingencies and any other items included as part of the contract amount.

There are a number of credits [e.g. Reused Materials (Mat-3), Concrete (Mat-5) , Steel (Mat-6), Sustainable Timber (Mat-8)] that reference this definition. As such, the following items must be excluded when using the contract value for calculations of such credits:
- Demolition works;
- Consultants, design fees, project management fees;
- Works outside the site area; and
- Buildings or areas within the site that are not being assessed for purposes of Green Star SA.

Where a number of amenities or services are shared between buildings, the cost apportioned to the rated building must be equivalent to the use that the building will have of these facilities (e.g. if a shared parking has 100 spaces but 40 are being allocated to the Green Star SA-rated building, then 40% of the car park cost must be allocated to the project’s contract value). Please submit a letter from a Quantity Surveyor or cost planner showing a break down of the excluded costs and the total cost for the project undergoing the Green Star SA rating.


Technical Clarification

'Material Cost' - definition

Technical Clarification Number


There are a number of credits [e.g. Reused Materials (Mat-3), Concrete (Mat-5) , Steel (Mat-6), Sustainable Timber (Mat-8)] that reference the cost of materials as a percentage of total contract value. The cost of a material may include transport/shipping costs to the project site, but may not include installation costs, equipment for installation, contractor fee, contingencies or any other amounts.


Technical Clarification

Construction Issue drawings

Technical Clarification Number


For Design submissions, Construction Issue drawings are acceptable alternatives to Tender Issue drawings.


Technical Clarification

Contractual documentation

Technical Clarification Number


Hand written declarations or letters signed by one party are not considered valid contractual evidence.



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