Credit Interpretation Request
Pro-rata for ventilation rates
Credit Interpretation Request Number
Where there is more than one Air Handling Unit in a single plant room that receives outside air, the outside air per Air Handling Unit may be pro-rated. The total outside air supplied to the plant room is to be pro-rated per Air Handling unit based on the total airflow of each Air Handling Unit, and respectively allocated. The following calculation must be used to demonstrate compliance with relevant credit criteria:
Fresh Air Per AHU = ( AHU Supply Air/Total Supply Air) x Total Fresh Air
In order to demonstrate compliance with the above methodology, the Short Report must show the calculations completed demonstrating compliance with the above methodology and relevant credit criteria. The design must just ensure that fresh air can be evenly distributed between the various AHUs.
Green Star SA – Retail Centre v1 Technical Manual: Page 54
Erratum Number
Documentation Requirements, description of documents, Opening Area Schedule, replace ‘habitable room’ and ‘room’ with ‘occupied space’ .
Add the following description of Occupied Space to the Glossary:
Occupied Space:
Areas that are predominantly:
- Work spaces (e.g. cellular offices, open plan offices, meeting rooms, food preparation areas, laboratories, consulting rooms, workshops – small scale and high density work spaces
- Large event spaces (e.g. dry sports halls, swimming pool areas, halls, arts theatres, libraries, assembly areas, sales areas – general, sales areas – chilled, performance areas (stage), check in areas, baggage reclaim areas, security check areas, fitness suites, gyms, fitness studios and ice rinks);
- Common areas (e.g. receptions, waiting rooms, eating/drinking areas, laundries, common rooms/staff rooms/lounges, public circulation areas, foyers and lobbies); and
- Learning spaces (e.g. classrooms and lecture rooms) are all expected to form part of the Occupied space.
Most corridors are to be excluded from the calculation of Occupied Space. Where corridors are exclusively used for transit between spaces (i.e. do not act as a foyer, lounge, waiting space, or reception), and where these corridors are bound in both sides by a wall these are to be excluded. Where a corridor is part of a shared space, this corridor, or section of a corridor, cannot be excluded and is considered part of the adjacent space. Occupied Space also excludes enclosed fire stairs, storage areas, toilets, tea kitchens, changing facilities, bathrooms, display areas, IT equipment and plant rooms.
Technical Clarification
Application of SANS 10400-O
Technical Clarification Number
The GBCSA acknowledges the revised minimum outside air requirement as prescribed in SANS 10400-O:2011 Edition 3 'Part O: Lighting and ventilation', which supersedes the corresponding parts of SABS 0400:1990 (first revision) 'The application of the National Building Regulations'.
The following clarification is provided for the IEQ-1 Ventilation Rates credit of the Green Star SA – Retail Centre v1 rating tool and the application of the revised minimum outside air requirement (as detailed above);
Mechanically ventilated spaces
Up to three points are awarded where for 95% of the UA, outside air is provided at rates as follows:
- One point for 11.25 l/s per person;
- Two points for 15 l/s per person;
- Three points for 18.75 l/s per person.
The GBCSA acknowledges that minimum compliance with SANS 10400-O:2011 may now qualify for one point (by default), however the changes represented in this standard meet the current credit criteria of Green Star SA – Retail Centre v1. Amendment of the credit criteria to accommodate the SANS 10400-O:2011 revisions is deemed as a significant change of Green Star SA benchmarks, which cannot occur until Version 2 (v2) of the Green Star SA – Retail Centre rating tool. The above clarification maintains the benchmarks for all Green Star SA – Retail Centre v1 projects, regardless of registration prior to or after the application of SANS 10400-O:2011. Furthermore, wherever ‘SANS 10400-O’ is referred to within the IEQ-1 credit, this relates to SANS 10400-O:1990 for the purposes of Green Star SA – Retail Centre v1 rating tool. It is the project team’s responsibility to ensure however that the latest relevant building regulations are complied with for statutory purposes.
Application of SANS 10400-O
Erratum Number
On page 56 of the Green Star SA – Retail Centre v1 Technical Manual, under ‘Additional Guidance’:
- For the first bullet point on the page, delete “50% increase” and replace it with “11.25 l/s per person”
- For the second bullet point on the page, delete “100% increase” and replace it with “15 l/s per person”
- For the third bullet point on the page, delete “150% increase” and replace it with “18.75 l/s per person”
Green Star SA - Retail Centre v1 Technical Manual: Page 53
Erratum Number
Credit Criteria, under Mechanically ventilated spaces, change "(5 litres/second/person for retail centres)" to read "(7.5 litres/second/person for retail centres)".
Green Star SA - Retail centre v1 Technical Manual: Page 54
Erratum Number
Documentation Requirements, Description of Documentation, Short Report, change the second bullet point to read "For mechanically ventilated spaces, indicating the AHU(s) or fans that serve each space, the minimum amount of outside-air rates supplied by each AHU or fan (for as-built submissions this should be as evident in the commissioning reports) and compared with the minimum requirements of SANS 10400-O."
Green Star SA - Retail Centre v1 Technical Manual: Page 54
Erratum Number
Documentation Requirements, Documentation Table, As Built section, replace "Extract(s) from O&M Manual(s)" with "Extract(s) from the Commissioning Report".
Green Star SA - Retail Centre v1 Technical Manual: Page 55
Erratum Number
Documentation Requirements, Description of Documents, replace the bold heading "Extract(s) from the O&M Manual(s)" with "Extract(s) from the Commissioning Report". The text describing the extract(s) stays the same.
Green Star SA - Retail Centre v1 Technical Manual: Page 56
Erratum Number
Background, Change the first bullet point to read "SANS 10400-O Lighting & Ventilation table 2 gives 7.5 litres/second/person (l/s/p) (for both smoking and filtered/non smoking areas)." Change the third bullet point to read "ASHRAE 62 (2007) gives 4.6 l/s/p for Mall common areas." In the fourth bullet point, change "...12.5 l/s/p" to read "18.75 l/s/p"