Credit Interpretation Request
Energy consumption of a single use unmetered energy load may be deductively calculated
Technical Clarification Number
The GBCSA confirm that the energy consumption of a single use unmetered energy load may be deductively calculated, and the formula programmed into an automated monitoring system (BMS) to allow for ongoing energy management of the unmetered energy use.
The unmetered load is to be calculated by deducting all metered loads on the same distribution circuit from the primary metered incoming load. The unmetered energy load should represent a single use only. No other unmetered energy uses may be present on the same distribution circuit.
For the purposes of demonstrating compliance with the above CIR, the following additional documentation requirements are required:
A suitably qualified professional responsible for providing the Automated Monitoring System, shall provide a letter confirming that the automated system has the capability to deductively measure the unmetered load, and describing the programming that will be implemented to meet the credit criteria for the unmetered load. For As Built ratings the confirmation must be supported by commissioning data, or screenshots of the Automated Monitoring System confirming that the programming has been implemented and is operational.
Technical Clarification
Sub-metering lifts
Technical Clarification Number
GSSA v1 TM on page 147 states that "Whenever lifts, individually or collectively, carry an energy use greater than 100kVA, they must be sub-metered. If individual lifts carry an energy use under 100kVA, they can be sub-metered individually or as a group; if individually they carry an energy use greater than 100kVA, they must be sub-metered separately unless they are monitored by an intelligent control system."
The above mentioned are options that clarify how to sub meter not whether to sub meter the lifts. The lifts are always to be metered and can be metered via either of the below (for individual lifts that carry an energy use under 100kVA):
- Option to sub-meter individual
- Option to sub-meter as group