


Technical Clarification

Clarification for stops at the end of a route

Technical Clarification Number


The Commuting Mass Transport Guide states that, "Only services which arrive at the stop can be used to calculate the average interval for the morning peak period; conversely only services that depart from the stop can be used to calculate the afternoon peak period." In addition, "A route with services for two directions (e.g. northbound and southbound) where one direction only has services in the morning and the other direction only has services in the afternoon is considered one route."

People can only arrive from one direction in the morning then depart in the opposite direction to go home in the afternoon. There is mass transit service provided in only one map direction from the project site.

Clarification: A route in which the closest stop to the project site is at the end of the route (termination or turn-around point) is considered one route, even if services are provided in both directions all day long.


Credit Interpretation Request

Future Services for MyCiti bus in Cape Town

Credit Interpretation Request Number


Future MyCiti bus services may be included in calculations for Tra-4 Commuting Mass Transport. Where bus services are included for credit (as mainline, feeder or connecting services) but not operational at the time of the Green Star SA submission.

The most recent schedules, maps and other relevant information from the MyCiti website may be used and is acceptable evidence towards your Green Star SA submission.

Do note that all other documentation requirements/TC’s and CIR’s remain unchanged.


Technical Clarification

Interpolating stop-times from timetables

Technical Clarification Number


Where timetables available for a public transport route do not show stop-times for all stops along the route, interpolated times may be used. The following methodology should be used for interpolating the required stop-time:

Stop-time = [Time at start point (or nearest published stop-time before required stop)] + [Average Speed x distance travelled from start point (or nearest published stop-time before required stop)].


Average Speed = d/t

d = Distance travelled between start and finish of route (or time between closest published time before required stop and closest published time after required stop)

t = Time between start and finish times of route (or time between closest published time before required stop and closest published time after required stop).


Technical Clarification

Future services

Technical Clarification Number


Future public transport services may be included in calculations for Tra-4 Commuting Mass Transport. Where train, bus, minibus or taxi services are included for credit (as mainline, feeder or connecting services) but not operational at the time of the Green Star SA submission, the following documentation must be provided:

- Proof of a contract signed by the relevant transport authority and the service provider, and the planned service frequency, hours of operation and route; and
- Proof of an undertaking to have the necessary transport stops constructed, whether on a public road or the development site.


Technical Clarification

Private buses

Technical Clarification Number


Private bus transport systems with established routes and timetables equivalent to public transport may be included in the calculations for Tra-4 Commuting Mass Transport contingent upon the project’s ability to demonstrate that the future operation of these services is as certain as public transport (i.e. demonstrates alternative but equivalent compliance in respect to longevity, publicity, etc.). Please enter the number and frequency of services into the Public Transport Calculator and provide the evidence stipulated in the Documentation Requirements.


Credit Interpretation Request

Service interval calculation

Credit Interpretation Request Number


The Credit Interpretation Request (CIR) seeking approval for an alternative calculation methodology for Average Service Frequency is approved. Projects may either use the calculation methodology defined in the Green Star SA - Office v1 Technical Manual or use the following formula: Average Service Frequency = 120 minutes / (actual number of services in the peak 2 hour window).



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