Technical Clarification
Ecologist confirmation - exclusions
(Note that ECO0-T-OB1-0290 has been superseded by ECO0-T-OB1-0655)
Technical Clarification Number
If the project is a refurbishment/redevelopment that remains within the existing development footprint (and providing it is outside the required buffers of watercourses), there is no need to include confirmation from a registered ecologist. Confirmation is required and it could simply be included within the Short Report prepared by a suitably qualified professional with reference to supporting evidence (e.g. aerial photos, Google images)
Technical Clarification
Eligibility link with EMI-5 Watercourse Pollution
Technical Clarification Number
Following extensive feedback from the South African market on the issued Emi-05 Watercourse Pollution PILOT Credit, the GBCSA has published the new revised Emi-5 Watercourse Pollution (November 2012) credit for the Green Star SA Office and Retail Centre v1 rating tools (EMI5-E-OB1-0520). The GBCSA is currently reviewing the link between Emi-5 and Eco-00 Eligibility, where it is required that all 3 points are achieved for project footprints that fall within 100m of a watercourse and until this review has been concluded, please see guidance below for projects that are within 100m of a watercourse.
The requirements set out in the revised Emi-5 credit dated November 2012 are intended to represent best practice in South Africa with regards to urban stormwater management. The GBCSA acknowledges however that the applicable stormwater management solutions on each site may vary significantly with regards to site conditions, the extent of the development, off-site infrastructure in place, etc.
Currently, in complying with the Eco-00 Conditional requirement, where a project’s development footprint falls within 100m of a watercourse, the Eco-00 Conditional Requirement requires watercourse protection measures to be put in place and the project achieve all points in Emi-5 Watercourse Pollution. Projects may in the interim until the review of the link between Emi-5 and Eco-00 is concluded, propose through an Eligibility Ruling Request sent to the GBCSA, an alternative means of meeting eligibility by showing compliance with recognised best practice urban stormwater management standards. Thus projects are no longer requires to meet all 3 points as set out in credit Emi-5 Watercourse Pollution for eligibility purposes until further notice.
Below are examples of urban stormwater management standards that the GBCSA recognise as representing best practice nationally and internationally. Projects teams may also put forward other standards that represent equivalent best practice in this regard.
• City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality Stormwater Management By-Laws - 2009
• City of Cape Town Management of Urban Stormwater Impacts Policy – Version 1.1, 2009
• Georgia Stormwater Management Manual – First Edition, 2001
Please note the following with regards to submission of an Eligibility Ruling Request as per the above:
• The Eligibility Ruling Request must clearly motivate how the stormwater management solutions on site are in line with best practice referencing relevant best practice standards.
• Where standards other than those listed above are referenced, it must be clearly motivated why these standards can be considered as current best practice in relation to other best practice standards such as those listed above.
• Extracts from the relevant standards referenced should be provided along with the submission which correlates with the project team’s proposal.
Note that the guidance provided above relates to Eco-00 eligibility compliance only and not to achieving points within the Emi-5 credit. Compliance with the Emi-5 credit must be demonstrated as per the criteria set out in the Emi-5 credit itself. Note that this guidance can be applied by both projects registered before and after the date of issue of this clarification.
Technical Clarification
Applicability of revised Eco-0 Conditional Requirement - project registration date
Technical Clarification Number
The date used to determine the applicability of the revised Eco-0 Conditional Requirement (dated April 2010) published on the GBCSA website is deemed as the date of first registration of the project for a Green Star SA certification under a particular rating tool, independent of whether it is a Design or As-Built certification.
Green Star SA - Retail Centre v1 Technical Manual: Page 289
Erratum Number
Conditional Requirement Criteria, fourth bullet point, first second-tier bullet point, add the statement "unless the project is a refurbishment that remains within the existing development footprint."
Technical Clarification
Threatened red listed species
Technical Clarification Number
The Eco-0 Conditional Requirement (updated 15th April 2010) references "threatened red listed species". For the purposes of Green Star SA, the term "threatended" is as per the IUCN Red List Categories & Criteria (Version 3.1-2000) which defines "threatened" species as those within the subcategories of "Critically Endangered (CR)", "Endangered (EN)" or "Vulnerable (VU)" only. Species which are not included within the afforementioned subcategories are not considered "threatended" for the purposes of Green Star SA.
Technical Clarification
Floodplain criteria
Technical Clarification Number
Refurbishments/redevelopments that remain within the existing development footprint are exempt from the criterion that the development footprint must not fall within the 100 year floodplain.
Technical Clarification
Development footprint
Technical Clarification Number
Per the Green Star SA - Retail Centre v1 Eco-Conditional Requirement, “The development footprint is defined as the extent of all disturbance to the site…” The development footprint thus includes all temporary work or structures erected by the contractor. The intent of restricting the extent of the development footprint is to minimise the disturbance to ecologically valuable land. As temporary site works would still disturb ecologically valuable land, they must be considered as part of the development footprint.
Credit Interpretation Request
Ecologist qualification
Credit Interpretation Request Number
The Credit Interpretation Request (CIR) seeking approval for ecologist registration with the South African Institute of Ecologists and Environmental Scientists (SAIEES) as equal to registration with the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP) is denied. Registration with SAIEES does not provide an equal qualification as that with SACNASP.