Green Star SA - Revised credit EMI-05 Water Pollution (Revised: 19 November 2012)
Erratum Number
Following a review and public feedback period of the Pilot version of the credit Emi-05 Watercourse Pollution which was released for public comment from 09 May 2012 to 28 September 2012, the Green Building Council of South Africa has issued a revised version of the Emi-05 Watercourse Pollution credit for Green Star SA Office v1 and Retail Centre v1. This revised document replaces the Emi-05 Watercourse Pollution credit currently contained in the Green Star SA Office v1 and Retail Centre v1 Technical Manuals. Note that projects registered after 08 November 2012 must use the revised credit. Projects registered prior to 19 November 2012 may choose whether to use the original credit or the revised version, clearly indicating the option taken in their Green Star SA project submission.
Please follow the link below:
Green Star SA – Retail Centre v1 Technical Manual: Page 360
Erratum Number
Documentation Requirements, description of documents, under the heading "Short report", replace “by the relevant project team member” with “by a suitably qualified professional”
Credit Interpretation Request
Off-site district attenuation
Credit Interpretation Request Number
The Credit Interpretation Request (CIR) seeking approval for the use of an off-site district attenuation facility on the basis that it contributes to the development not increasing peak stormwater flows for rainfall events of up to a 1-in-2 year storm (first point), is approved.
The CIR Review Panel notes that this CIR approval pertains to the inclusion of the off-site district attenuation facility only; the Project Team must still clearly demonstrate within the submission that the off-site district attenuation facility meets the requirements of the Credit Criteria for the district area it serves.
The Project Team is requested to include this CIR and all supporting documentation within the submission, clearly highlighting to the Assessors the relevant information demonstrating compliance.
The CIR Review Panel also notes that whilst the off-site district attenuation facility can be included for the mitigation of peak stormwater flows (i.e. the first point), it cannot contribute to the stormwater treatment and filtration requirements (second point, if applicable). The treatment of all stormwater leaving the site, at any time up to a 1-in-20 year storm event must occur within the site boundaries.
Technical Clarification
Shared Stormwater Services
Technical Clarification Number
If an attenuation/retention pond or other strategy is shared between sites or projects it must be demonstrated how this provides sufficient attenuation/treatment and achieves the applicable credit criteria for the Green Star SA project and all other sites/projects linked to the same pond (i.e. the applicable Credit Criteria must be met for all sites served by the shared/district system). It is not required that Project Teams submit Credit Interpretation Requests (CIR) for this scenario.
Technical Clarification
Riparian Buffer Zone
Technical Clarification Number
"On page 359 of Green Star SA - Retail Centre v1 Technical Manual the sentence reading “A riparian buffer zone that has three separate zones of pollution buffering is installed within 9 metres of a waterway or natural watercourse and the development” should be removed and replaced with the following text:
A riparian buffer zone is designed and implemented in accordance with relevant local or national guidelines* to eliminate the negative impacts which the development and its associated stormwater runoff may have on adjacent aquatic systems.
*In the absence of relevant local or national guidelines, the buffer zone should be designed and implemented in accordance with the recommendations of a suitably qualified environmental professional.
In addition, under ‘Documentation Requirements’, ‘Short Report’ on page 360 of Green Star SA - Retail Centre v1 Technical Manual, the following text should be added to the fourth bullet point:
“The environmental professional responsible for the design of the riparian buffer zone should also provide a short description of the system and how it will function.”