

Technical Clarification

Waste professional sizes your waste storage area (and small projects)

Technical Clarification Number


If a waste management professional has established that the allocated size of the space for recycled waste (including general waste) is sufficient for the development, this is acceptable as an alternative to the table Mat-1.1 sizing requirements, however the project team will need to provide the following as part (not solely, unless it includes all documents types/information requested by the technical manual) of the credit submission:

- Waste and Recycling Management Plan (Signed by the building owner)
The Waste and Recycling Management Plan must address all waste (recyclable and non-recyclable) generated in the building (occupants, common areas and visitors) and the dedicated storage area for the separation and collection of recyclables must be sufficiently sized (as per the technical manual or waste professional advice) to handle the collection and sorting of all waste streams for the following recyclables as a minimum:
- Cardboard;
- Paper Products;
- Glass;
- Plastics; and
- Metals

The Waste and Recycling Management Plan must describe, at a minimum:
• Estimation of waste generation and justification of the size of the recycling area. This justification must be made by the waste management professional and must be based on calculations of the estimated waste generation quantities. All calculations must be well explained in the WMP and clearly conclude that based on these calculations and the proposed frequency of collection, that the size of the recycling waste storage area is in fact sufficient;
• Description of the waste storage areas, in terms of location, size, accessibility, easy access for manoeuvring bins and cleaning storage areas;
• Proposed waste recycling strategy; what waste is separated and recycled; and how;
• Transfer of waste bins to storage areas; in terms of surface (free of steps, kerbs), distances;
• Description of the collection points, ease of collection, access for collection vehicles;
• Frequency of collection.

For a small project (<2500m2 GFA) the ’waste professional’ can be a member of the existing project team who is adequately involved in the project and suitably experienced in sizing waste storage spaces (this will be at the AP’s discretion).




Technical Clarification

Recycling waste storage - multiple waste storage areas

Technical Clarification Number



It is acceptable to meet the Credit Criteria of Mat-1: Recycling Waste Storage with more than one dedicated storage area. However, all storage areas dedicated to recycling must meet all the Credit Criteria and Additional Guidance requirements (such as location within 20m of a lift core) and be sufficiently sized, functional, safely and easily accessible.

An area dedicated exclusively to storage of rubbish (non-recycling waste) should be excluded from the calculations of the recycling waste storage area. Note that if general (non-recycling) waste is stored in the same location as the recycling waste, the area must be increased by a minimum of 25%.

In addition, where other uses (retail or multiple tenancies) are present in the building, it must be clearly demonstrated that the office use of the recycling waste storage facilities is not compromised (e.g., how a proportion of facilities is dedicated for exclusive use of the project).

The recycling waste storage area can be provided by more than one dedicated space, but at least one of the waste storage areas must be a minimum of 7.5m2.



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