Green Star SA – Office V1.1 Technical Manual: TRA-03, Page 2
Erratum Number
In Documentation Requirements, Tender drawing(s) & As built drawing(s), second bullet of each:
Add “adequately sized” to read:
“The number and location of shower and adequately sized locker facilities”
Green Star SA – Office V1.1 Technical Manual: TRA-03, Page 3
Text missing from Additional Guidance
Erratum Number
In Additional Guidance, Showers and changing facilities, third paragraph:
Add “80” to read:
“Secure lockers must be adequately sized to accommodate normal office clothing, i.e. should not be significantly smaller than 80cm tall by 25cm wide (for box lockers) or 180cm tall by 40cm wide (for ‘L-shaped’ double lockers).”
Green Star SA – Office V1.1 Technical Manual: TRA-03, Page 1
Erratum Number
In Documentation Requirements:
The following is to be added before the Documentation Table:
“It must be demonstrated that the documentation submitted is in accordance with the Additional Guidance section of this credit”
Credit Interpretation Request
Cap the total number of cyclist facilities
Credit Interpretation Request Number
For projects with a UA greater than 50,000m2, project teams are able to cap the total number of cyclist facilities, as per the below:
· One point is awarded where the following are provided:
- Secure bicycle storage for 100 of building staff (capped);
- Accessible showers (based on one per 10 bicycle spaces provided or part thereof);
- Changing facilities adjacent to showers; and
- One secure locker per bicycle space in the changing facilities.
· Two points are awarded where the following are provided:
- Secure bicycle storage for 200 of building staff (capped);
- Accessible showers (based on one per 10 bicycle spaces provided or part thereof);
- Changing facilities adjacent to showers; and
- One secure locker per bicycle space in the changing facilities.
· An additional point is awarded where:
- The requirements for either one or two points have been met; and
- Visitor bicycle parking is provided and meets the following criteria:
- 67 spaces (capped); and
- Provided in an accessible location, signposted and close to, or adjacent to, a major public entrance to the building.
No Innovation points are available for exceeding these benchmarks under INN-02.
Tra-3 Cyclist Facilities, Extract(s) from the specification(s)
Erratum Number
TRA03-E-OB1 -1599
Under Extract(s) from the specification(s, replace ‘That storage/parking spaces must comply with SABS, municipal or other relevant design standards and with Documentation Requirements for this credit; and’ with the following ‘That storage/parking spaces must comply with Documentation Requirements for this credit; and’